Naufragio en el lago Alberto March 25, 2014 España manifiesta su profunda tristeza y consternación ante el hundimiento de un barco en el lago Alberto, entre Uganda y la República Democrática del ...
Discurso de Ildefonso Castro en la inauguración de la I Reunión de la red de puntos de contacto nacionales en materia de mujeres, paz y seguridad April 26, 2017 Consultar intervención
Spanish Government rejects expansion of Israeli settlements in Occupied Territories June 30, 2023 The Government of Spain rejects the measures approved this week on Israeli settlements in the occupied Palestinian territories in the West Bank and condemns ...
Official statement on the death of Maya Villalobo October 11, 2023 The Ministry for Foreign Affairs, European Union and Cooperation informs of the death of the Spanish-Israeli citizen Maya Villalobo Sinvany in Israel. ...
Foreign Affairs Council of Ministers meeting February 19, 2024 Minister Albares took part in a Foreign Affairs Council that covered the situation in the Middle East, the Russian aggression against Ukraine, current ...
Condolences of the Government for the earthquake in Morocco September 9, 2023 The Government of Spain expresses its condolences for the terrible earthquake registered this past dawn in Morocco. Spain extends its solidarity ...
Comparecencia del Ministro de Asuntos Exteriores Unión Europea y Cooperación, D. José Manuel Albares Bueno, ante la Comisión de Cooperación Internacional para el Desarrollo December 22, 2021 para informar acerca de la contribución anunciada por parte de España de 20 millones de euros de asistencia humanitaria para la crisis afgana.
Minister welcomes the Commissioner for Political Affairs, Peace, and Security April 12, 2023 Bankole Adeoye's visit to Spain provides a decisive boost towards identifying areas for mutual cooperation between our country and the African organisation. ...
Government condemns execution of Mohesen Sheikari in Iran December 9, 2022 The Government of Spain condemns in the strongest possible terms the execution of Mohesen Sheikari, arrested after his participation in the protests taking ...
Terrorist attacks in Israel March 30, 2022 Spain strongly condemns the recent and unjustifiable attacks in Be´er Sheva, Hadera and Bnei Brak in Israel.We express our condolences to the families ...
Spain’s position regarding the expulsion of 27 employees at the Spanish Embassy in Russia May 18, 2022 Spain rejects the decision adopted today by the Russian Federation to expel a total of 27 members of staff at the Spanish Embassy in Russia.