Santa Cruz Palace

Santa Cruz Palace, built in the 17th Century, has been, since 1938, the headquarters of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, European Union and Cooperation.


Under instructions to be built by Felipe IV in 1629 and designed by the architect Juan Gómez de Mora, its original use was as the Mayor’s Room and the Court Gaol. Since then, it has had various uses, such as the Palace of Royal Hearings, the Ministry of Overseas and the Ministry of State.

Its current structure responds to the most recent refurbishment carried out by the architects Pedro and José María Muguruza, who incorporated an adjoining plot of land to the original building. As Minister for Foreign Affairs, Alberto Martín Artajo inaugurated the new building in 1950, with its present-day characteristics.

Address of Santa Cruz Palace

Plaza de la Provincia, 1

28012 Madrid

Tel.: 91 379 97 00

Closest underground stations: Sol and Tirso de Molina​

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