Viana Palace is the official residence and representation of the Minister for Foreign Affairs, located next to Santa Cruz Palace – the headquarters of the ministerial department.
Viana Palace is the official residence and representation of the Minister for Foreign Affairs, located next to Santa Cruz Palace – the headquarters of ...
On 21 July 2016, the management commission was signed for the works to fit out the building located in Plaza del Marqués de Salamanca, designed to host ...
Santa Cruz Palace, built in the 17th Century, has been, since 1938, the headquarters of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, European Union and Cooperation. ...
The Spanish Agency for International Development Cooperation is located in a building inaugurated in 1951 in the district of Moncloa-Aravaca.
The Diplomatic School, set up in 1942, is located in a building designed by the architect Luis Martínez-Feduchi, inaugurated in 1954 in the district of ...
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