Directorate-General for Protocol, Chancellery and Orders

The Directorate-General for Protocol, Chancellery and Orders, headed up by the ‘Introducer of Ambassadors’ (status of director-general), prepares and runs official acts and ceremonies related to foreign policy in Spain and abroad, and, in particular, organises the official visits of Their Majesties the King and Queen and the by foreign Heads of State to Spain. It also plays a fundamental role in the presentation of the ‘Letters of Credence’ of the new Ambassadors to His Majesty the King.

The Directorate-General also manages matters pertaining to the Chancellery relating to accredited diplomatic missions in Spain, consular offices and international bodies with their headquarters or offices in our country, based on the body of diplomatic law that Spain is a party to.

It also handles the decorations of the Order of Isabella the Catholic and of Civil Merit.

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