Related bodies

  • Royal Academy of Spain in Rome​

    ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Founded in 1873, during the Government of the First Republic, the purpose of this institution is the artistic and humanistic training of creators, restorers and researchers in order to increase Spain’s cultural presence in Italy and to improve understanding of the cultures of the two countries. Since 2001, its doors have opened to artists and students from Latin American countries.

    It is located in Rome (Italy).​
  • Spanish Cultural Action (AC/E)

    ​​​​​This is a public body engaged in boosting and promoting Spanish culture and heritage within and beyond our borders, through a broad programme of activities and initiatives that also foster the external mobility of professionals and creators. Its mission is to project the culture of Spain as a country with talent, that is innovative and dynamic in artistic production and proud of its legacy. AC/E works with all types of public and private cultural entities, from within and beyond Spain to make projects related to Spanish heritage, emerging art, cinema, photography, science, history, the arts, the performing arts, architecture and town planning, among other cultural areas, a reality..

  • ​​Spanish Agency for International Development Cooperation (AECID)

    With a presence in more than 30 countries at present, AECID celebrated 25 years in 2013 contributing to the eradication of poverty and hunger around the world, and to helping active peacebuilding – aims that remain present in its ideology. To carry out its projects, it has a broad foreign structure made up of Technical Cooperation Offices (OTC), Cultural Centres and Training Centres. Its headquarters are located in Madrid..

  • Spanish network of houses of public diplomacy (Red de Casas)​It opens in new window

    The Houses are instruments of public diplomacy that fulfil two objectives: to convey Spain's priorities in key areas to public opinion in third countries and to bring Spanish citizens closer to the reality of other regions of the world.

  • International Studies Centre

    ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​This institution was set up in 1987 with the participation of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation. It works on training, research and fostering debate about international relations, along with relations in the business, diplomatic, academic and institutional world. It has a broad training offer from its headquarters in the city of Barcelona.

  • ​​​

    Diplomatic School

    Set up in 1942, this is a key reference point in the history of Spanish diplomacy. Its main functions include the training of candidates to the Diplomatic Career, the training of public servants posted overseas, the preparation of candidates to the international civil service, the organisation of courses and seminars on international relations, particularly the Inter-university Master’s Degree in International Diplomacy and Relations, and the undertaking of research programmes. It is located in Madrid.

  • Fo​undati​ons

    The Council Foundations network is made up of private non-profit institutions that aim to promote mutual knowledge between Spain and other countries, improve the institutional framework of the countries in which they work, and enhance Spain's image abroad.

  • Cervantes Institute

    ​​​​​​​This is a public institution set up by Spain in 1991 to promote and teach the Spanish language and the co-official languages, and to spread Spanish and Hispano-American culture. It has a presence in more than 80 cities in 73 countries on the five continents. Its aims and functions include the organisation of Spanish language courses, both in person and online (AVE – Virtual Spanish Classroom), the administration of Spanish as a Foreign Language Diploma (DELE), updating teaching methods and advanced teacher training, supporting the work of Hispanists, participating in programmes to spread the Spanish language and carrying out activities to spread culture in collaboration with other Spanish and Ibero-American bodies and institutions in the host countries.

  • European Institute for the Mediterranean

    ​​​​IEMed’s aims include promoting actions and projects that contribute to enhancing mutual knowledge, exchanges and cooperation between different Mediterranean countries, societies and cultures. It was set up in 1989 and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation forms part of the consortium that governs the institution.​.

  • Pious Works – Spanish Establishments in Italy

    The Obra Pía - Establecimientos españoles en Italia (Pious Works - Spanish Establishments in Italy) is a non-profit legal entity, historically linked to the Spanish Embassy to the Holy See.
    The Obra Pía governing body is the Board, made up of seven Spaniards living in Rome (members only in an honorary capacity and receiving no payment) and chaired by the Spanish Ambassador to the Holy See as Governor.​​
  • Real Academ​​ia Hispano Americana de Ciencias, Artes y Letras​

    The Royal Spanish-American Academy of Sciences, Arts and Humanities of Cadiz, founded in 1909 as an official Corporation, reports to the Ministry for Foreign Affairs and has its headquarters in the historic city of Cádiz​​.​​

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