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Albares presents the initial measures adopted to the African ambassadors

Following the presentation last December of the new 'Spain-Africa Strategy 2025-2028: working together through a strategic relationship', the document that will guide Spain's foreign policy towards the continent for the next four years, the implementation phase is now underway.

January 17, 2025

The Minister for Foreign Affairs, European Union and Cooperation, José Manuel Albares, presented to African ambassadors accredited in Spain the first measures taken within the framework of the new Spain-Africa 2024-2028 Strategy. The minister expressed his gratitude for their participation during the process of developing this strategy and invited them to continue collaborating as the new implementation phase moves forward. 

At the meeting, held at the Palace of Viana, Albares reminded the ambassadors that since the presentation of the Strategy last December, some of the objectives set have already been achieved, such as the launch of several initiatives to promote the Spanish-African relationship that consolidates dialogue and deepens mutual knowledge between the two regions. 

Another concrete example is the recent launch of a new Spain-NEPAD Cooperation Programme, valued at €20 million. This initiative, focused on creating opportunities for women and young people, aims to further strengthen Spain's collaboration with the African Union and other regional organisations. 

The Strategy is organised around five key strategic objectives: strengthening, growing, connecting, protecting and living together, which are broken down into a hundred lines of action. It will be implemented through different monitoring instruments such as the annual Action Plan to be drawn up by the embassies, and the regular meetings of the Inter-Ministerial Commission, which will be launched in February.

This meeting with African ambassadors and the measures already being implemented demonstrate that the Spain-Africa Strategy is not just a declaration of intent, but a tangible commitment to a shared future. 

Through these five objectives, Spain positions itself as a strategic partner for Africa, collaborating closely to tackle current challenges and create opportunities for future generations. It is also a strategy that benefits both regions and that contributes to a more just, sustainable and connected world.​