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José Manuel Albares travels to Cabo Verde to strengthen bilateral relationship

Minister Albares concluded his visit to Cabo Verde, where he held meetings with the President of the Republic, José Maria Neves, the Prime Minister, Ulisses Correia e Silva; and the Minister for Foreign Affairs, Alberto Rui de Figueiredo.

June 18, 2024
During the meetings, Albares reiterated that Cabo Verde is a "strategic partner" for Spain in areas such as development cooperation and maritime security. The Spanish minister addressed the regional situation in West Africa and the Sahel, which is of great importance for Spain and Europe.

In addition, Minister Albares visited the Royal Fortress of San Felipe, restored by Spanish Cooperation, and the municipality of Cidade Velha, where AECID has developed several projects financed by Spanish Cooperation and the European Union in the framework of the "Covenant of Mayors for Sub-Saharan Africa" initiative. One of them consists of the design and implementation of a sustainable city model, including the installation of public lighting using solar energy and energy efficiency measures.




PH​OTOS: Javier Hernández (Nolsom)

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