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José Manuel Albares addresses the Foreign Affairs Council

At the final Council meeting before the Spanish Presidency, the minister reaffirmed that our nation will work to maintain unity among partners​ in supporting Ukraine in all areas.

June 26, 2023
The monthly meeting of EU Foreign Affairs ministers focused on the weekend’s events in Russia and approved a new package of sanctions against the country. 

The ministers also discussed relations between the EU and Latin America and the Caribbean, with a view to the EU-CELAC Summit scheduled for 17 and 18 July 2023, under the Spanish P​residency. In this regard, the head of Spanish diplomacy highlighted the opportunity this meeting presents to strengthen and modernise the bi-regional agenda. 

Lastly, in the current affairs section, the Foreign Affairs Council discussed progress in digital diplomacy, the situation in North Kosovo, the tension between Armenia and Azerbaijan, and financial aid for Tunisia.

Ph​otos: Pepe Méndez​