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Albares presides over the presentation of the Master Plan for Spanish Cooperation 2024-2027

  • ​The Minister emphasises that the new text perfectly embodies Spain's foreign policy value
  • With the objective of allocating 0.7% of gross national income to official development assistance by 2030

Monday, October 21, 2024
The Minister for Foreign Affairs, European Union and Cooperation, José Manuel Albares, has today presided over the presentation of the Master Plan for Spanish Cooperation for Sustainable Development and Global Solidarity 2024-2027, which defines the objectives and priorities to guide Spanish Cooperation activities in the coming years, such as guaranteeing human rights and promoting inclusive and sustainable development, all with the hallmark of feminist cooperation.

The presentation of the new plan with actors from the Spanish international cooperation system was attended by the Autonomous Communities and local entities, non-governmental development organisations (NGDOs), trade unions, the business sector and universities, as well as representatives of the Spanish Congress and Senate, the European Union, the diplomatic corps, international organisations and other Spanish ministerial departments.

During the event, Minister Albares underlined the innovative and avant-garde nature of this first plan arising from Cooperation Law 01/2023, necessary to face the global challenges of reducing poverty and inequality, adapting to climate change and building peace.

Albares especially stressed the need to “reinforce an international order based on rules, multilateralism and joint action to protect global public goods”. 

Spanish international cooperation policy also represents a financial commitment, not only with the objective of reaching 0.7% of GNI allocated to ODA by 2030 and the reform of financial cooperation through the creation of the Spanish Sustainable Development Fund (FEDES), but also with the objective of increasing resources to accelerate the achievement of the 2030 Agenda with the organisation of the Fourth International Conference on Financing for Development in Seville in mid-2025.

Minister Albares emphasised the increase in resources for humanitarian action, reflected in financial aid packages and humanitarian shipments to Gaza and Lebanon, as done in Ukraine since the beginning of the war, and in response to sudden onset crises, with particular attention given to climate-based emergencies and unforeseen humanitarian appeals.

A renewed system 

The Master Plan addresses comprehens​ive Spanish international cooperation system reform, outlining specific roadmaps with the different actors: NGDOs, trade unions, universities, Autonomous Communities, local authorities and the private sector; placing the Spanish Agency for International Development Cooperation (AECID) at the centre of the system reform as the cornerstone for building alliances and the operational coordination of a plural, diverse system.

This transformation will continue with enhanced effectiveness, transparency and accountability through the creation of a Spanish Cooperation Evaluation Office (OECE) and the reform of coordination and consultation bodies with a new High Council for Sustainable Development Cooperation and the Sectoral Conference.

​For access to the Master Plan, click on the following link: