Council of Ministers approves first Humanitarian Diplomacy Strategy

This will set out the ‘roadmap’ until 2026 to place Spain as an important player in protection, prevention and mediation for the civilian population

January 31, 2023
The Council of Ministers approved the first Spanish Humanitarian Diplomacy Strategy today. The text, which will be in force during the period 2023-2026, will make Spain of the first countries to have a strategy of this nature and places it as an important player in protection, prevention and mediation for the civilian population.

The Spanish Humanitarian Diplomacy Strategy focuses on three goals that are shored up in 14 pillars of action. The first goal is to prevent and resolve conflicts, and its pillars of action include preventive diplomacy, the protection of the humanitarian sphere and the fight against terrorism, among others.

The second goal is to promote respect for international humanitarian law. Its main pillars of action include the fight against impunity and accountability, the protection of medical missions and of boys and girls in armed conflicts.

The third goal focuses on protecting people in vulnerable situations. Its pillars of action include the fight against sexual violence, and providing attention for refugees and the internally displaced.

The drafting of the strategy has been coordinated by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, European Union and Cooperation, with an inclusive approach of collaboration between public authorities and civil society. Various ministries have taken part in the consultations, along with specialists from civil society through the Cooperation Council and the Spanish Commission for International Humanitarian Law and acknowledged humanitarian leaders, such as the International Committee of the Red Cross.

This exercise places Spain amongst the promoters of priorities at a multilateral level such as the protection of boys and girls and of medical missions in armed conflicts. By means of the approval of this text, Spain complements the Humanitarian Action Strategy 2019-2026 and complies with the commitment taken on in the Foreign Action Strategy 2021-2024.​


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