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José Manuel Albares to hold bilateral meeting with his Moroccan counterpart prior to meeting of Global Coalition against Daesh

May 9, 2022
The Minister for Foreign Affairs, European Union and Cooperation, José Manuel Albares, will hold a bilateral meeting with his Moroccan counterpart, Naser Bourita, tomorrow, before they both take part in the meeting of the Global Coalition against Daesh, which will take place in Marrakech on Wednesday.

They will review various issues on the bilateral and international agenda at the meeting, along with the development of the roadmap established between the two parties.

The bilateral meeting between the two ministers takes place following the meeting held on 7 April between the President of the Government of Spain, Pedro Sánchez, and King Mohammed VI in Rabat, which was also attended by the two foreign affairs ministers.

The following day the two ministers will take part in the meeting of the Global Coalition against Daesh, the first to be held in an African country, which will address the Spanish proposal to focus the efforts to defeat terrorism on this continent.

During his speech, José Manuel Albares plans to focus the attention on Africa in the understanding that this is the region of the world under the greatest threat from Jihadi terrorism, where both Daesh and Al-Qaeda have several other affiliated groups. In fact, Spain stands out for its commitment to the region, with an integrated focus that combines actions to address both security and stability, and economic development.

José Manuel Albares will commit to strengthening the efforts of a Coalition that plans to conclude its meeting in Marrakech with a total of 85 members following the announcement that Benin will join the organisation. The Global Coalition against Daesh, which was set up in September 2014 at the NATO Wales Summit, will now include a total of 80 countries and five international organisations that take action within the scope of the United Nations.