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Spain promotes training of ECOWAS civil servants and diplomats

​The State Secretary for Foreign and Global Affairs, Ángeles Moreno Bau, received the participants in the third edition of the “ECOWAS Training” programme today. This is a Master’s Degree in Diplomacy and International Relations organised by the Spanish Diplomatic School for accredited ECOWAS civil servants and diplomats.

February 7, 2022
The programme is organised each year and is financed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, European Union and Cooperation. The participants at this year’s edition are from the Ivory Coast, Gambia, Ghana, Guinea Bissau, Guinea Conakry ad Mali.

During the meeting, the State secretary underlined the excellent working relations between Spain and ECOWAS and the government’s commitment to stability and prosperity in West Africa, two goals in which this organisation plays an outstanding role, she stressed.

Education and training for the creation of opportunities for young people constitute a priority of the Spanish Presidency of the General Assembly of the Sahel Alliance.