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José Manuel Albares signs a grants agreement with RAE for 500,000 euros allocated to Spanish Language Academies

​The Minister for Foreign Affairs, European Union and Cooperation, José Manuel Albares, signed a new agreement today with the Director of the Spanish Royal Academy (Spanish acronym: RAE), Santiago Muñoz Machado, establishing a strategic alliance between the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, European Union and Cooperation through the Spanish Agency for International Development Cooperation (Spanish acronym: AECID) and the Association of Spanish Language Academies (Spanish acronym: ASALE) to create a new comprehensive training and collaboration grants programme for Spanish language academies with a provision of a little over half a million euros.

February 3, 2022
​Through the agreement signed today, ASALE is designated as a collaborating entity of AECID in the running of this programme, which will allow each of the beneficiaries of the different academies to receive comprehensive training. This new framework will not only include financial aid to undertake a master’s degree in Madrid, but also aid to continue following practical training and training collaboration at each of the 22 Spanish Language Academies around the world.

After signing the agreement, Minister Albares highlighted that “today we endorse a genuine strategic alliance between the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, European Union and Cooperation and the Spanish Royal Academy. I not only want to highlight “our shared aim of strengthening the Spanish language in all its manifestations, but also our aspiration to contribute to consolidate the position of Spanish as a strategic and public diplomacy instrument on the international stage”.

In turn, the Director of the RAE declared that “these grants constitute essential support for the work we have been carrying out at the 22 language academies that make up the ASALE, together with the RAE. These resources will foster the digitalisation of academic works. The RAE welcomes the sensitivity of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, European Union and Cooperation in advocating the unity of the Spanish language in this way, which is the greatest asset of our cultural heritage”.

20 years of collaboration

​This agreement is yet another step in reinforcing this partnership between AECID and ASALE, which dates back more than 20 years and primarily seeks to work together to enhance Spanish as a global language, already spoken by more than 500 million people. Thanks to this partnership, useful instruments have been developed for global citizenship and to strengthen the Pan-Hispanic community.

The Spanish Royal Academy chairs ASALE, which gathers together all the language academies in Hispano-American countries, the United States, Equatorial Guinea and the Philippines (a total of 23 academies, including the Spanish academy). AECID’s main line of work is the training of human capital in its priority countries.

Thanks to this collaboration, important projects have been developed, such as the 24th edition of the Spanish Language Dictionary (Spanish acronym: DLE) and the Pan-Hispanic Phraseology Dictionary, along with the Spanish Language Dictionaries that each country prepares, contributions to Spanish language databases and updates to web pages for enquiries and the libraries of the different academies.

AECID has granted more than 500 grants to Hispano-American citizens, US citizens, Filipinos and Equatoguineans since 2003 within the ASALE–AECID framework for lexicographic training.