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Spain donates more than 20 million vaccines to Africa under COVAX Initiative

​Spain will donate more than 20 million vaccines to Africa under the COVAX Initiative in a clear gesture of commitment to the African continent, and to the fight against Covid-19 and the new variants. Over the course of this week, the figure of 10 million vaccines handed over to countries on the African continent will be passed and at least another 10 million will be handed over in the coming weeks, with the destination countries still to be confirmed.​

December 13, 2021
The Ivory Coast was the first African country to receive a Spanish delivery under the COVAX Initiative on 4 November, and it is expected to receive a second lot of more than 1.25 million Johnson & Johnson vaccines tomorrow. In addition, Angola has received 3,417,600 Moderna and Johnson & Johnson vaccines in recent days. Other recipient countries include Mauritania, Egypt with more than 4 million and the Republic of the Congo.

These numbers show Spain’s clear international solidarity commitment to its partners and place us as one of the most committed European Union countries in promoting shared access to vaccines.

In compliance with the Universal Access Plan to Solidarity in Vaccination approved by the government on 19 January, the President of the Government, Pedro Sánchez, announced at the G-20 Summit that Spain would donate 50 million vaccines under the COVAX Initiative. Of these, at least 20 million would be allocated to countries in Sub-Saharan Africa and North Africa.

Spain considers that vaccines are a global public asset and is thus committed to providing access to them through the multilateral COVAX mechanism. This mechanism has led Spain to becoming the second-paced leading donor country in Latin America, and among the five top countries in terms of donation deliveries under the COVAX Initiative.