The Spanish Government welcomes the extension of the use of the co-official Spanish languages in the European institutions with the adoption of a renewed agreement with the European Economic and Social Committee


February 25, 2025

The Spanish Government has welcomed today's decision by the European Economic and Social Committee to extend the use of the co-official Spanish languages to its members' speeches at plenary sessions.

For almost 20 years, the co-official Spanish languages have been used as a matter of course in most European institutions, as naturally as they are used in Spain in both legislative chambers, as well as in all aspects of public life and administration in the Autonomous Communities with co-official languages, in their regional governments and parliaments, provincial councils and town councils.

The promotion of the use of co-official languages in the European Union is a priority of the Government, in order to achieve the objective of bringing our multilingual national identity to Europe and to bring the institutions closer to the citizens.

With today's decision, our languages can now also be used by members of the European Economic and Social Committee in plenary sessions.


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