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Official visit by His Majesty the King of Spain to Estonia, Lithuania and Latvia

His Majesty the King of Spain will pay an official visit to Estonia, Lithuania and Latvia on 23, 24 and 25 June

June 16, 2024
​The trip will begin in Tallinn, where His Majesty will hold a bilateral meeting with the President of the Republic of Estonia, Alar Karis, and then visit the Parliament (Riigikogu). He will conclude his visit to Estonia with a visit to the amphibious aircraft carrier Juan Carlos I, which will be docked in the port of Tallinn as part of the Dédalo24 deployment, and will attend an official dinner hosted at the Presidential Palace.
In Vilnius, after a meeting with the President of the Republic of Lithuania, Gitanas Nauseda, His Majesty the King will take part in the wreath-laying ceremony at the memorial for the fallen in the fight for independence at Antakalnis cemetery, and will visit the Lithuanian Parliament (Seimas). He will conclude his stay in the country with a visit to the rapid reaction hangars and a visit to the Tango Scramble exercise at Siauliau Air Base, where he will meet the Spanish contingent participating in NATO's Baltic Air Police (BAP) mission.

The official tour will conclude in Latvia, where His Majesty the King will meet the President of the Republic, Edgars Rinkevics, and attend the wreath-laying ceremony at the Freedom Monument. During his visit to Riga, His Majesty the King will also meet with the Prime Minister, Evika Silina, and visit the Latvian Parliament (Seimas). Finally, before returning to Spain, His Majesty will meet with the Spanish contingent at the Adazi military base, as part of NATO's Enhanced Forward Presence (eFP) mission.