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Official statement on situation of occupied Palestinian territories

March 22, 2023
Spain welcomes the commitments made by Israel and Palestine at their recent meetings in Aqaba (26 February) and Sharm El Sheikh (19 March), involving the participation of the United States, Egypt and Jordan, which include an agreement to halt the construction of settlements and to prevent unilateral measures and the escalation of violence.

The Government of Spain expresses its outright rejection of the statements made by Minister Bezalel Smotrich on 20 March, which prejudice these efforts to reduce tensions and to enhance dialogue between the parties.

Spain also regrets the partial repeal of the Israeli law regarding the withdrawal from Gaza and the north of the West Bank of 2005. The application of the previous agreements is key to achieving peace, by means of the materialisation of the two-State solution and mutual recognition between all countries in the region on this same basis. This is the only response possible to achieve the legitimate national aspirations of Palestinians and Israelis.