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Joint statement on the construction of new homes in settlements and eviction and demolition plans

From the Foreign Affairs Ministers of Spain, France, Italy, Germany, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, Greece, Ireland, Luxembourg, Malta, the Netherlands, Norway and Sweden

May 13, 2022
We are deeply concerned at the decision by the High Planning Council of Israel to authorise plans for the construction of more than 4,000 new homes in the West Bank. We urge the Israeli authorities to overturn this decision.

The new homes will constitute an additional obstacle to the two-State solution. The Israeli settlements are in clear violation of international law and hinder fair, lasting and global peace between Israelis and Palestinians.

This decision, along with the demolitions and evictions that affect the Palestinian population in East Jerusalem and in Area C directly threaten the viability of a future Palestinian State.

In this regard, we also urge the Israeli authorities not to proceed with any of the demolitions or evictions planned, particularly in Masafer Yatta.​