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30th anniversary of establishment of diplomatic relations with Kazakhstan

​The Government of Spain welcomes today’s celebration of the 30th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between the Kingdom of Spain and the Republic of Kazakhstan.

February 11, 2022
The Government of Spain welcomes today’s celebration of the 30th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between the Kingdom of Spain and the Republic of Kazakhstan.
The government welcomes the excellent development of our bilateral relations over the past 30 years, during which time we have forged sound political relations and increased our economic and cultural exchanges. Noteworthy in this regard is the signing of the Strategic Association Agreement in 2009 and the visit to Kazakhstan by H.M. the King to take part in the 2017 World Expo. At an economic level, Kazakhstan purchased several aircraft manufactured in Spain in 2021 and has become an important supplier of hydrocarbons for Spain. All these achievements, which underline the strength of our ties, have resulted in a better understanding between our two countries and in greater proximity between our peoples.

Spain wishes to take the opportunity of this anniversary to give a renewed and decisive boost to our relations, both at a bilateral level and through the European Union, particularly within the framework of the European Union Strategy on Central Asia and the EU-Kazakhstan Enhanced Partnership and Cooperation Agreement.

The government also urges Kazakhstan to continue with the process of political and economic reforms undertaken in recent years.

On the occasion of this important milestone in our bilateral relations, the Government of Spain expresses its wishes for peace, well-being and prosperity for the friendly nation of Kazakhstan.