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Statement on declarations made by President of Mexico

​The Government of Spain strongly rejects the attacks made by the President of Mexico, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, against Spain and Spanish companies in recent days.

February 10, 2022
The Government of Spain strongly rejects the attacks made by the President of Mexico, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, against Spain and Spanish companies in recent days.

Spain and Mexico are strategic partners and are united by strong human, cultural, historical, linguistic and economic ties. More than 175,000 Spaniards live in Mexico and close to 30,000 Mexicans live in our country. Spain is the second largest investor in Mexico and 7,000 Spanish companies operate in the country. Spanish investment in Mexico exceeds 70 billion euros while Mexican investment in Spain exceeds 25 billion euros.

Spain will always work to maintain the best possible relations with Mexico and to strengthen ties with our sister nation. The government seeks relations based on mutual respect, as do the Spanish and Mexican people, without hearing this type of declaration.