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Elections in Chile

​The Government of Spain congratulates Gabriel Boric on his victory in the presidential elections, held yesterday in Chile, and wishes him every success in the exercise of the Presidency of the Republic.​

December 20, 2021
Spain welcomes this new era in which it hopes to work together with the new Government of Chile in its implementation of social, fair, sustainable and feminist policies that translate into progress for both societies.

The government declares its firm interest in working closely with the new Chilean authorities to continue promoting the strategic association between the two countries.

Chile is a key partner with which we are united by profound ties of friendship within the framework of the Ibero-American Community of Nations.

The Government of Spain also congratulates the people of Chile on the high turnout, despite the mobility restrictions caused by the pandemic, and at the peaceful development of Election Day, in which the men and women of Chile once again demonstrated their acknowledged civic conscience. It also wishes to recognise the smooth functioning of the electoral institutions during polling day.