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Bicentenary of independence of Panama

​​The Government of Spain congratulates the Republic of Panama on the commemoration of the 200th anniversary of its independence, culminating the celebrations of the National Fiestas over the course of November.​​

November 30, 2021
This commemoration offers us an unrivalled opportunity to remember and highlight our shared past, which spans more than 500 years of history – an intense time of complex coexistence strengthened by profound family ties that have allowed us to create a single cultural and linguistic space. It is also good reason to renew our commitment to the region, particularly in the current global context conditioned by the COVID-19 pandemic. The priority for the people and Government of Spain is to act in solidarity to exit this health crisis together, which has led us to donate millions of vaccines to Ibero-America and the Caribbean, with the aim of leaving no-one behind.

Panama’s independence stands out as it was essentially peaceful and due to the decisive commitment it has led to regional integration and the peaceful solution of regional conflicts, processes that since back then Spain has accompanied and been involved in.

Panama is a key strategic partner and a country that receives priority attention from Spain, and hence the government wishes to reaffirm its interest in jointly working to satisfy its legitimate aspirations to development and progress, fostering political dialogue, social and economic development, the eradication of poverty and inequalities, the strengthening of the rule of law, good governance and democratic values.

In addition, environmental protection, the fight against climate change, digitalisation and education are shared goals to create fairer and more peaceful societies, open to equality and inclusion. These also constitute present and future challenges that Spain and Panama are firmly committed to and that call on us to continue developing our ties of friendship and collaboration to the benefit of our citizens, with the perspective that 200 years of Panama’s independence offers us.