Spain and Mexico co-organize a side event during The Ocean Conference

​Spain and Mexico have co-organized a side event that will take place during the United Nations Oceans Conference, which is being held in Lisbon, Portugal, from June 27 to July 1, 2022.​

June 27, 2022

 The interactive session will address both the importance of developing ocean accounting that requires a structured collection of comparable and consistent data, as well as the challenges and opportunities for science in relation to solutions for healthy ecosystems and sustainable use of marine resources.

Following is the original text with information about the event

SCIENCE TOWARDS A SUSTAINABLE OCEAN BY 2030: International accountability, best practices and success stories.


Lisbon, Portugal 2022

Side Event

27th of June 2022, 14:30–15:45 PM Room 2


Interactive session to share the advances, and analyze challenges and opportunities of science in relation to ocean knowledge towards ocean accounting and solutions for healthy ecosystems and sustainable use of marine resources.


Ocean accounting requires a structured compilation of consistent and comparable information. This information can include maps, raw data, statistics, and indicators related to marine and coastal environments, including economic activities and social interaction.

In Mexico, there are significant and numerous efforts from different sectors to produce accounts and information on most aspects of a sustainable ocean economy, including information on the state of health of marine and coastal ecosystems. Additionally, various international initiatives, like the High-Level Panel for a Sustainable Ocean Economy, generate and demand information on the Mexican seas and coasts. In this sense, integrating and articulating data and information to develop knowledge is a fundamental step to inform decisions and promote ocean-based solutions.

The sustainable use of marine resources is intimately linked to scientifically-based decisions that promote and protect the health of marine ecosystems. The generation of scientific knowledge and innovative solutions for the ocean requires partnerships between the public sector, the international scientific institutions and the private sector.

In Spain, there are significant examples of partnerships that are developing, on the basis of science and innovation, tools and best practices towards the protection and sustainable use of marine resources. These examples, carried out with and for diverse marine-based economic sectors, can be framed within the Ocean Decade and extended through Atlantic and Mediterranean cooperation, towards an ambitious and transformational post-2020 global biodiversity framework for an effective protection of marine biodiversity.

Session’s Programme

Session 1.- Interactive session to share challenges and opportunities in relation to science within the context of ocean knowledge, accounting and best practices in Mexico.

Moderator: Andrew John Rhodes Espinoza.
  • “Science based ocean effective multilateralism, experience from Mexico” – Martha Delgado, Undersecretary for Multilateral Affairs and Human Rights, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Mexico.
  • “National efforts to integrate ocean accounts and ocean data: Mexico case study” – Graciela Marquez, President of the National Institute of Statistics and Geography.
  • “Ocean observing data is critical for coastal resilience” – Mark J. Spalding – President The Ocean Foundation.
  • “Importance of data generation on fisheries performance for oceans sustainability: The case of Corvina and Hake in Mexico” – Juan Manuel Calderón, Public Policy Director, EDF México.

Session 2.- Science towards healthy ecosystems and sustainable use of marine resources.

Moderator: Pablo Abaunza Martínez.

  • “Ocean Cities Network”- Josep Lluís Pelegrí, Director of the Institute of Marine, National Research Council-Institute of Marine Sciences.
  • “Shipping pollution” – Julio C. Fuentes, Deputy Director, Directorate General for the Merchant Marine. Ministry of Transport, Mobility and Urban Agenda.
  • “Marine Reserves of Fisheries Interest” – Silvia Revenga. Senior advisor. Ministry of Agriculture, Fishery and Food.
  • “Successful case study of the Iberian sardine (Sardina pilchardus)” – Alexandra Silva. Portuguese Institute of the Sea and the Atmosphere.
  • “Towards the effective protection of marine biodiversity” – Jorge Alonso, Senior Advisor on marine protected areas. Ministry for Ecological Transition and Demographic Challenge.
  • “Success stories and good practices in the Mediterranean fishing sector” – Miguel Bernal, Senior Fishery Officer General. Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean of the Food and Agriculture Organization.

Conclusions.- Moderators: Ana María Oñoro and Andrew Rhodes.​

Side-event Concept Note

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