UN Peacekeeping Operations

February 2, 2024
Since the first operation in Angola in 1989, Spain has participated in numerous United Nations Peacekeeping Operations and humanitarian aid missions.

During these years, more than 137,000 members of the Armed Forces and the State Security Forces have served abroad in more than fifty operations in all regions of the world, from Central America to Africa and the Middle East.

Precisely, in this last region, Spain currently has a contingent of between 600 and 700 blue helmets in Lebanon, within the framework of the UNIFIL operation. Likewise, the UN Verification Mission in Colombia has the presence of Spanish military and police observers. At the police level, Spanish support to Peace Operations is completed with a specialized police team in the missions of Central African Republic-MINUSCA​.

In addition, in recent years, Spain has strengthened its commitment to the UN Peacekeeping Operations, making available to the Organization since 2011, a Base for Logistical Support to Peacekeeping Operations in Valencia, reinforcement and backup of the base that UN has in Brindisi (Italy).

In November 2017, the 25th anniversary of the Spanish Mission in Bosnia-Herzegovina was celebrated, perhaps the most emblematic and the first due to the contingent's entity outside our borders under UN mandate. More than 43,000 Spaniards contributed with their work to peacekeeping in the region. This work earned them the "Prince of Asturias Award for International Cooperation" in 1993.

Peacekeeping missions with military personnel from the Spanish Ministry of Defense.

Missions with members of the State Security Forces and Corps:

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