Inglés (Estados Unidos) Localización y contacto / Localisation et contactBld. de l'U.R.S.S., s/n. Quartier Bastos. B.P.: 877Coordenadas: 3°53'38.9"N 11°30'50.2"E ...
Consular services Visas Conditions for entry into Spain Schengen visas Airport transit visa Visas for family ...
Instructions to get an Appointment for visa. Spanish Embassy in Yaunde - CAMEROON CASTELLANO - FRANÇAIS - ENGLISHLast updated: 01/07/2024.STEP 1. PREPARE THE VISA APPLICATION FILE. Before making an appointment, check that you ...
Documents that must be sent along with your visa appointment request The following describes the identifier code to put in the subject line of the message and the supporting documents to attach when writing to ...
Horario, localización y contacto Localización Localización y contacto / Localisation et contact:Bld. de l'U.R.S.S., s/n. Quartier Bastos. B.P.: 877.Coordenadas: 3°53'38.9"N ...