Spanish Scientists in the U.S.


ECUSA (Association of Spanish Scientists in the USA/Científicos Españoles en USA) is a non-profit organization for science and technology professionals that have a relationship with Spain. With a cross-disciplinary approach, it was conceived by volunteers in 2014 with the goal of promote and spread the roles of science, technology, and its professionals.

ECUSA also aims to educate, inspire, and train new scientists generations and researchers, as well as create a network to promote their career opportunities and to help with relocation and integration in the local communities.


To promote and disseminate the role of science, technology and its professionals in the USA:

  • To contribute to the knowledge of science by means of scientific and technological outreach activities.
  • Helping Spanish scientists in their personal and professional development in the USA.


ECUSA aims to be:

  • An exemplary organization in the world of science and technology.
  •  A platform for scientific knowledge that inspires society to build a better world.
  • A global network of scientists who help others to integrate and develop professionally and personally.



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