Contact Us

2375 Pennsylvania Ave. N.W. 
Washington DC 20037 
+1 (202) 452-0100 
The Embassy is located at the intersection of Pennsylvania Ave. and 24th Street NW near Washington Circle. The nearest Metro Station is Foggy Bottom (Blue and Orange lines). There is a bus stop directly in front of the Embassy. Use the lines 31, 32, 36, 38B, D5 and the Circulator.

Our Consulates in the United States are located in:

Holiday Calendar

The Embassy will be closed on the following days in 2023:

Table information
Monday, January 2​New Year's Day (observed)
​Monday, January 16​Martin Luther King, Jr. Day
Monday, February 20​Presidents' Day
Thursday, April 6Holy Thursday
Friday, April 7​Good Friday
Monday, May 1Spanish Labor Day
​Monday, May 29​Memorial Day
Tuesday, July 4​Independence Day
Monday, September 4​Labor Day
Thursday, October 12​Spanish National Day
Thursday, November 23​Thanksgiving
Friday, November 24Day after Thanksgiving
Wednesday, December 6Spanish Constitution Day
Monday, December 25Christmas Day

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