Commercial Movement of Pet Animals

The animal health requirements applicable to the commercial movement (import) of dogs, cats and ferrets exported to Spain can be found at the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food.
The EU regulations stipulate that dogs, cats and ferrets are considered commercial imports, if the following conditions are met:
  1. They are intended to be sold or transferred to another owner;
  2. The number of dogs, cats and ferrets which may accompany the owner or an authorized person during a single non-commercial movement exceeds 5;
  3. They are not traveling with owners or an authorized person responsible for such animals on behalf of the owner during their movement however they will be travelling hey are not traveling with owners or an authorized person responsible for such animals on behalf of the owner during their movement however they will be travelling more than 5 days earlier or 5 days later than the movement of the owner.
Animals travelling to exhibitions and fairs would be considered a "non-commercial movement" as long as they are not for sale on-site.

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