Pedro Sánchez: “We must promote formulas that allow us to manage the migratory phenomenon in a humane, safe and orderly manner.”

The President of the Government and the President of Mauritania, Mohamed Cheikh El Ghazouani, have adopted a Joint Declaration highlighting the depth and richness of the neighborly and friendly relations between the two countries.

August 27, 2024

​The President of the Government, Pedro Sánchez, today began his tour to three African countries -Mauritania, Gambia and Senegal- accompanied by the Minister of Inclusion, Social Security and Migration, Elma Saiz, with the aim of strengthening bilateral cooperation to address the migration challenge from a multidimensional perspective, in the context of the existing migration crisis and the effort of Spain's relations with West Africa.​

During his day in Mauritania, in what has been his first official bilateral visit, the President of the Government held a meeting with the President of the Islamic Republic of Mauritania, Mohammed Cheikh El Ghazouani, with whom he discussed the shared interest in strengthening the excellent bilateral relations between the two countries. In this sense, and as a sign of the understanding between Spain and Mauritania, a Joint Declaration has been adopted, which highlights the depth and richness of the neighborly and friendly relations between the two countries, united by cultural and historical ties.

The Joint Declaration also agrees to hold the First Spain-Mauritania High Level Meeting in 2025, and includes a wide range of matters of common interest, such as business development, the promotion of cultural relations, the strengthening of cooperation on security issues, and the shared management of the migratory phenomenon, among others.

The President of the Government and the President of Mauritania discussed the management of the migratory phenomenon, which affects both countries. In this regard, Pedro Sánchez defended that “for us, the migratory phenomenon is a question of moral principles, solidarity and dignity. But also of rationality”, and has valued the contribution of migrant workers to the Spanish economy.

In this sense, he stressed the need to promote formulas that allow the migration phenomenon to be managed in a humane, safe and orderly manner for the benefit of our societies and that this requires the adoption of a comprehensive approach, which takes into account all the factors that influence migration and reinforces cooperation between all the countries involved.
President Sánchez and El Ghazouani have also signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to develop the circular migration model, a formula that Spain has already successfully developed in different countries, and which constitutes a good tool to manage the flow of migrants in an orderly and legal manner.

In addition, among other agreements reached, both countries signed a declaration to strengthen collaboration between the two countries in security matters and the fight against organized crime.

In the international arena, the President of the Government has conveyed to the President of Mauritania that Spain will continue working within the European Union, promoting the fulfillment and implementation of the agreements announced last February, during his visit to Mauritania together with the President of the European Commission, Ursula Von Der Leyen, in which the mobilization of 210 million euros in additional EU funds for Mauritania in 2024 was announced. And also, within the framework of other organizations such as NATO, with the aim of bringing the two continents closer together. In this regard, Pedro Sánchez has announced that Spain will make a contribution of 500,000 euros for the Mauritania Defense and Security training initiative.

Spain-Mauritania Bilateral Business Cooperation Committee​

Pedro Sánchez has participated in the presentation ceremony of the Spain-Mauritania Bilateral Business Cooperation Committee, officially created in December 2023 by the respective chambers of commerce, and to which the President of the Government has conveyed his congratulations for the creation of this structure, “which will play a central role in increasing business and economic relations between the two countries”.

In this sense, he stressed that some 3,000 Spanish companies trade with Mauritania, 300 of which are from the Canary Islands, and that there are several Spanish companies working on important projects in the energy, mining, fishing, telecommunications and transport sectors in Mauritania. “We want to take advantage of the room for improvement and boost the economic relationship to another level,” stressed President Sánchez.

The President of the Government highlighted that bilateral trade between the two countries continues to grow, and that Spain became Mauritania's first customer and its fourth largest supplier worldwide and second largest supplier to the European Union in 2023. Pedro Sánchez also highlighted the special relationship that exists between Canary Islands companies and Mauritania, due to geographical proximity and historical ties.​

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