Spain and the U.S. to collaborate to promote regular migration from Central and South America

  • ​Spain, together with Mexico and Canada, will participate in the U.S. Government's program to direct people with the intention of migrating to regular channels.
  • This initiative will facilitate the regular, safe and orderly migration agreements that the Ministry of Inclusion has with several countries in the region.
April 30, 2023

The Ministry of Inclusion, Social Security and Migration will strengthen international programs to promote regular migration already in operation in several Central and South American countries, such as the Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Colombia, Honduras and Guatemala, with a new initiative agreed with the United States. In this way, Spain will participate, together with Canada and Mexico, in the project by which the US government will establish regional centers in several Central and South American countries to promote regular, orderly and safe migration.

The objective of this program is to reduce irregular migration, which often results in extremely dangerous journeys and the possibility of being exploited by mafias or human traffickers, and to strengthen regular migration channels, in collaboration with the countries of origin. It is also an opportunity to reinforce Spain's historical alliances with the countries of Central and South America.

The centers contemplated by the project, managed in collaboration with the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) and the International Organization for Migration (IOM), will help direct the flow of people intending to migrate towards regular channels, such as international protection or work and residence permits. Spain will collaborate with this project by identifying and advising people who may be eligible for any of the regular migration channels to our country.

The U.S. Department of State has valued and thanked "the efforts of Spain, Mexico and Canada as key allies in this project".

With this agreement, the Ministry of Inclusion continues to promote regular, orderly and safe migration channels, aligns with the commitments of the Los Angeles Declaration on Migration and Protection and advances the Global Compact on Migration and Refugees.


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