Presidents Sánchez and Biden agree for Spain and the US to renew and update their strategic relationship

​The President of the Government of Spain, Pedro Sánchez, has received the President of the United States, Joe Biden, at Moncloa Palace, in what is his first official visit to Spain, ahead of the start of tomorrow's NATO Summit in Madrid.

June 28, 2022

The meeting between the two leaders is an expression of the excellent bilateral relationship between Spain and the United States, allies, strategic partners and friends, united by strong historical roots and close collaboration on numerous issues of shared interest, with a common will to preserve and promote the values of freedom, democracy, human rights, gender equality and the rule of law.

In this context, the two presidents have agreed that Spain and the US will adopt a new Joint Declaration -the previous one dates from 2001- which will update and further strengthen the strategic relationship between the two countries.

Pedro Sánchez said he was "particularly pleased" with the new Declaration, in which Spain and the US pledge to deepen their already close cooperation on security and defense, while also reaffirming their commitment to safeguarding the rules-based international order vis-à-vis the violation of international law and the attack on shared values that the Russian invasion of Ukraine has entailed.

For the President Russia's aggression 'confirms the need to redouble this commitment', expressed in the renewed Joint Declaration, in which Spain and the US express their determination to 'strengthen multilateral responses to transatlantic and global challenges, condemning Russia's unjustified and unprovoked war against Ukraine, which has fundamentally altered the global strategic environment' and which constitutes 'the most direct threat' to transatlantic security and global stability 'since the end of the Cold War.'

Eastern and southern flanks

One of the main consequences of Putin's war has been the revitalization of the Atlantic Alliance. With Europe's security at stake, all allies - including Spain - have responded decisively by strengthening the eastern flank, while also recognizing the threats from the southern flank and the need, in the words of Pedro Sánchez, "for the Alliance to have a 360-degree approach." For his part, Joe Biden has described Spain as an "indispensable partner" in NATO.

In this context, the two leaders discussed the United States' interest in increasing its military presence at the Rota naval base to strengthen the Alliance's collective security.

They also addressed what President Sánchez described as "the increasingly prominent challenges in the Sahel", expressing in the Joint Declaration the willingness of Spain and the United States "to address irregular migration flows with a comprehensive approach," while recognizing "the importance of continued cooperation to address the challenges of irregular migration in North Africa." In this regard, President Biden underlined "his desire to work together in Africa to ensure growth and stability."

Both leaders also analyzed China's role in the current geopolitical context, reiterating their willingness to continue working together in multilateral forums, as are the United Nations and the G20, to promote a coordinated response to global challenges, such as the climate emergency, food security and the global health architecture.

The Joint Declaration also includes the commitment of both countries to strengthen cooperation ties in the areas of justice, cybersecurity, energy security, and the technological and scientific spheres, among others. President Sánchez took the opportunity to thank the US for the important supply of gas to Spain at a time of intense global tensions in the energy markets due to the war.

Trade and investment

In the area of trade and investment relations, the two presidents shared the same vision, agreeing that the two countries' respective national recovery plans, with their transformative and social focus, represent an excellent opportunity for companies on both sides of the Atlantic.

The two leaders discussed the impact of war and the pandemic on the world economy, and the need to transform the economic model to address major global challenges and adopt economic policies that improve the lives of families and businesses.

They also agreed on the importance of promoting a positive agenda for Latin America, a region with which, for the most part, Spain and the US share a community of values." Together we can better defend the rules-based international system," concluded Pedro Sánchez, who also thanked Joe Biden for "his role in bringing transatlantic trade relations back on track, which in the last year has allowed us to resolve past differences" and to embark on a constructive path.




Original statement from La Moncloa (Spanish Presidency)


Spain-US Joint Declaration

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