President Sánchez reaffirms that the EU-27 remain united and firm vis-à-vis Russian aggression against Ukraine

​On May 30 and 31, the President of the Government of Spain took part in the Extraordinary European Council in Brussels. The 27 addressed the war in Ukraine following Russia's invasion and its knock-on effects for energy, food security and the security and defense of EU members.

May 31, 2022

The President of the Government of Spain reaffirmed that "In this European Council it has once again become clear that Europe protects us and that we must protect Europe not only from its external enemies, but also from its internal enemies who want to dissolve it. Europe protects families and businesses vis-à-vis the war in Ukraine as it protected them during the pandemic: with determination and unity. And the Government of Spain will always protect Europe with the same determination and unity."

On the first day of meetings, the 27 addressed the war in Ukraine, reaffirming their support for the country and their condemnation of Russian aggression, a condemnation which, according to Sánchez, "shows that our commitment to Ukraine is unanimous." The 27 have agreed on a sixth sanctions package with a two-stage embargo on Russian oil: the first, to be implemented over a period of 6-8 months, bans the import of oil arriving by ship, which accounts for two-thirds of the oil the EU receives from Russia; and later, and as soon as possible, oil arriving by pipeline will also be banned.

The sanctions on Russia include the exclusion of three more Russian banks from the 'Swift' payment system; a broadcast ban on three more media outlets to further combat Russian propaganda and disinformation; and the provision of auditing and consulting services to Russian entities. The restrictions also extend to more dual-use goods and chemicals and to more than 15 entities and 50 individuals, including military personnel involved in the Bucha massacre and individuals associated with some oligarchs.

Ukrainian President Volodymir Zelensky addressed the European Council by videoconference to discuss the situation in his country after more than three months of Russian invasion, and to thank the EU-27 for their support.

The leaders agreed to continue providing financial and humanitarian assistance to the more than 6.6 million Ukrainian refugees. In this regard, Sánchez highlighted Spain's decisive support for macro-financial assistance to Ukraine and for neighboring countries such as Moldova and Belarus, stressing the importance of European partners being united and coordinated.

Member States also discussed efforts to cooperate with international justice and to gather evidence that can be used against alleged perpetrators of war crimes against the civilian population in Ukraine, an area in which Spain is particularly committed to assist.

On the subject of energy, the President of the Government of Spain stressed the importance of 'REPowerEU' including the interconnections of the Iberian Peninsula, a project that will not only benefit Spain, but the EU as a whole, due to our country's large regasification capacity.

Spain considers that the Iberian exception responds to the particular characteristics and needs of the area in the short term, but that there is a need to go further. This is why our country, together with other Member States, has continued to advocate the introduction of a gas price cap at European level. Following these discussions, the EU has mandated the European Commission to propose options. "This is a very important step forward and a move in the right direction to protect citizens and businesses from high energy prices due to Putin's unjust war, which is affecting their competitiveness," Sánchez stressed.

The president has defended before the 27 the need to accelerate the energy transition and the deployment of renewable energies, an area in which Spain is a benchmark. The energy debate also included a reflection on the design of the electricity market which, as Spain has been arguing for months, "does not respond to situations such as the current ones," with the president defending the need to "reform it to adapt it to stressful situations and prepare it for a decarbonized economy."

Food security, and security and defense

The President of the Government of Spain, Pedro Sánchez, chats with the President of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, during the work session of the Extraordinary European Council |Photo: Pool European Council

Member States have also addressed the issue of food security. The crisis in Ukraine has aggravated a worrying trend in the price of agri-food products and fertilizers. During the debate, the different options for ensuring global food security and preventing developing countries from bearing the brunt of the damage were discussed. The 27 heard a video-conference address by African Union President Macky Sall, as many African countries could be the most affected by the food crisis.

"We must put measures in place, both in the short and medium to long term, to facilitate the export of Ukrainian agricultural products and connectivity between Ukraine and the EU, while simultaneously taking measures to control the increase in fertilizer prices. The EU must lead the global response to ensure food security," the president insisted.

With regard to security and defense, the EU-27 have focused their talks on the issues of industry and investment in defense because, as the Chief Executive stressed, "the new geopolitical scenario arising from the current aggression against Ukraine has pushed us to broaden the necessary reinforcement of our Common Security and Defense Policy."

In this regard, the Strategic Compass, the document endorsed by leaders this year, sets out the way forward for the EU. Leaders agreed to address the issue of increased funding at the next European Council in June.

Sánchez stressed the need for the EU and NATO to work in coordination, because "we are at a key moment for our security and defense." To this effect, President Sánchez expressed his confidence that the upcoming NATO Summit in Madrid could mark "a new direction in relations between the two organizations.




Original statement from La Moncloa (Spanish Presidency)

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