Joe Kennedy III Decorated as Commander of the Order of Queen Isabella I

May 10, 2022

Tonight, on behalf of His Majesty King Felipe VI, Ambassador Cabanas named Joe Kennedy III Commander of the Order of Queen Isabella I (Encomienda de la Orden de Isabel la Católica), in honor of his dedication to the strengthening of Spain-U.S. relations. Open to both Spanish and foreign citizens, the honor recognizes extraordinary civil achievements that contribute to friendship and cooperation between Spain and the international community.

During his time in Congress, Mr. Kennedy was Co-Chair of the Congressional Friends of Spain Caucus, where he worked closely with the Embassy to defend Spain's interests in the U.S. government and highlight the strong relationship the two countries share, from shared history and values to important modern relations in defense, trade, culture, and more. Mr. Kennedy, who lived in Seville as a college student, is fluent in Spanish and considers Spain to be a second home.

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