President Sánchez reiterates Spain's deep commitment to NATO unity and strength against Putin

​The President of the Government of Spain, Pedro Sánchez, has taken part in the extraordinary NATO Summit convened by its Secretary General, Jens Stoltenbeg, where the allies requested their mandate be extended. The aim of the Summit was to address the current framework of challenges facing the Alliance following the invasion ordered just over a month ago by Vladimir Putin's government.

March 24, 2022

The meeting was attended by all 30 allied countries, including US President Joe Biden. It is his first trip to Europe since the beginning of the invasion of Ukraine and his presence sends a clear message of strengthening EU-US cooperation in response to Russia's brutal aggression against Europe.

The Summit - which began with a video-conference speech by Ukrainian President Volodymir Zelenskyy - also provided a powerful demonstration of the unity and strength of the transatlantic link in the face of Putin and threats to the international community, sending an important political message that serves as a preamble to the Madrid Summit in June, where the Atlantic Alliance will have to draft its new Strategic Concept.

For Pedro Sánchez, "deepening this link has become an urgent necessity to efficiently address current and future threats to our security. Transatlantic unity and determination have been and will remain essential in stopping Putin. The unity of all allies is our best weapon of deterrence."

Spain is fully committed to NATO's efforts to strengthen the Alliance's deterrence and defence posture on the Eastern flank. In the short term, our country has responded to SACEUR's requests and increased its overall contribution. All the Spanish units attached to the VJTF, the reinforced presence in Latvia, the deployment in Bulgaria and Turkey, the incoming deployment in Lithuania and the contributions of the Permanent Naval Forces" demonstrate our solid commitment to NATO and our allies," the president said. "And we are ready to do more as we adapt to the evolving environment.

In this regard, regarding the decisions to be adopted at the Madrid Summit in the medium and long term, Sánchez reiterated support for strengthening the deterrence and defence posture on the Eastern Flank, but "without losing sight of the 360-degree approach to our security," paying equal attention to the Southern Flank and the "destabilising potential" represented by Russia's growing presence in the Sahel. "The South is also the East," the president stressed.

Foto: Pool OTAN

Spain is making a very active contribution in support of the Ukrainian people, both in sending military equipment for the legitimate exercise of self-defence in the face of the aggression they are suffering, and in humanitarian aid and the reception of refugees. The president has announced that a new shipment of military equipment will be made in the coming days, in response to the request of the Ukrainian authorities.

Last week, the Government approved a new aid package for Ukraine worth 31 million euros, the largest ever sent by Spain to a single country. Our country is strengthening the reception of refugees through a swift implementation of the Temporary Protection Directive within the EU framework.

For Sánchez, "solidarity is essential at this time." Also with the countries that are bearing the brunt of this humanitarian crisis. The president has therefore called for NATO to "frontload its support" to partners such as Moldova, Georgia and Bosnia and Herzegovina. Spain is already channelling some of its bilateral aid support to Moldova. "The EU and NATO should work together on this front, which is a perfect opportunity to show complementarity."

"NATO is demonstrating its centrality, its responsiveness and its strength. We must adapt it to the new security scenario and that is what we are doing today and will continue to do at the Madrid Summit. In this new scenario, the president of the Government of Spain advocates adopting an "intelligent approach" to the role that China can play in this war. "Spain wants China to play a constructive role in achieving peace as soon as possible."




Original statementes from La Moncloa (Spanish Presidency) in Spanish and English

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