The Government of Spain calls on Russia to immediately end the military invasion of Ukraine

​​The President of the Government of Spain, Pedro Sánchez, took part this evening in the extraordinary European Council in Brussels to address the military invasion of Ukraine by the Russian Federation, during which he held a videoconference with the Ukrainian President, Volodymir Zelenski.

February 25, 2022

​The heads of State and Government have agreed a new package of sanctions against the Russian Federation for the attack on the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine, a neighbouring country and, as Pedro Sánchez stressed, "an attack on the security of the entire European continent." This is a second package of restrictive measures following the one adopted last Tuesday, 22 February.

The president of the Government of Spain underlined: "The situation is very serious. This is a flagrant violation of international law that we cannot accept. And the EU must respond along the lines we have been maintaining in recent weeks: Unity, which is the basis of our strength; and firmness in our position, open to dialogue and diplomacy, but ready to take tough restrictive measures if Russia opted for force, as it has done."
The Spanish Embassy in Kiev has been in contact with Spaniards living in Ukraine for weeks to provide them with information on possible evacuation routes. Of the more than 400 Spaniards registered with the Embassy, more than a hundred are already in Spain. In this regard, President Sánchez has guaranteed that the necessary aid will be provided to the just over 200 Spaniards who remain in Ukraine.
Pedro Sánchez recalled that Spain is a country of solidarity and stressed the need for the European Union to prepare for the humanitarian consequences of this aggression. "We reiterate our support and solidarity with the Ukrainian people and Government at this difficult time. Spain and the European partners are at your side," the head of the Executive pointed out.

EU Sanctions Against Russia

Pedro Sánchez stressed that, in this extraordinary European Council, additional restrictive measures have been reached "which we want to have, as we have been pointing out, strong and massive effects against the Russian economy". And all of this, as the president stressed, has been done "in close coordination with our transatlantic partners, our NATO allies and other international actors."
The 27 agreed on a new package of sanctions against Russia, complementing those adopted on Tuesday. The list of individual sanctions is extended and sectoral sanctions are expanded, with restrictive measures that will further reduce the financing capacity of Russian public and private institutions, limiting movements, transactions and deposits and establishing strict export controls, in particular on dual-use and technological equipment.
"This aggression is a frontal attack on European principles and values that opens a crisis of multiple dimensions. Today, we European leaders have reaffirmed our common commitment to confront this clear violation of the international order on the basis of our unity and firmness," concluded the president of the Government of Spain.
Original statements from La Moncloa (Spanish Presidency) in Spanish and English

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