Visas for family members of a citizen of the Union

General information​

Family members of citizens of the European Union or of the States of the European Economic Area (EEA) or Switzerland are entitled to a preferential free-of-charge visa, provided that they are travelling with the citizen of the European Union, the EEA or Switzerland or are on the way to joining them. 

Nationals of third countries listed in Annex I of Regulation (EU) 2018/1806새로운 윈도우로 열립니다 require a Schengen visa for stays of up to 90 days (in any 180-day period). 

The following can obtain a visa for family members of a citizen of the Union: 

  • The spouse, provided that there has been no annulment or divorce.

  • The partner registered in a Member State of the European Union or EEA or Switzerland, provided that such registered partnership has not been legally terminated.
  • Direct descendants of the Union citizen or of their spouse or registered partner (provided that there has been no annulment or divorce or legal termination of the registration) who are under the age of 21 and above that age if they are dependent or disabled.

  • Direct relatives in the ascending line of the Union citizen or of their spouse or registered partner (provided that there has been no annulment or divorce or legal termination of their registration) that are their dependants.

  • Family members other than the above who, in their country of origin, live with the citizen of the Union or are their dependants.

  • Exceptionally, other family members when serious health grounds or disability strictly require their personal care by the Union citizen.

  • The unregistered partner, provided that stable cohabitation for a minimum period of one year can be duly attested. When there are children in common, it will be sufficient to ascertain stable cohabitation. 

The visa for family members of a Union citizen entitles the holder to stay in the Schengen area for up to 90 days in any 180-day period. It also allows transit through the territory and airports. 

Family members of Union citizens who wish to remain in Spain beyond 90 days must, once in Spain, submit an application with the competent authorities for a residence card as Union citizen family member. 

The Schengen area encompasses 26 European countries without border controls between them: Austria, Belgium, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Italy, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden and Switzerland.

NOTICE: For an APPOINTMENT​, please send an email to 

Required documents​​

NOTICE: All documents issued neither in English nor Spanish need to be translated into Spanish and the translation must be certified. 

NOTICE: All documents issued in the foreign country, except in Spain and Korea, need to be legalised through Spanish consular representations of  the issuing country or, in the case of signatory countries to the Hague Convention of October5, 1961, hold the Hague Apostille.

1. Schengen visa application form새로운 윈도우로 열립니다: Applicant must complete in English or Spanish and sign an official application form, filling in each of its sections. If the applicant is a minor, one of their parents must sign the application. 

2. Photograph: One (1) recent, passport-size, colour photograph, taken against a white background, facing forward, without dark or reflective glasses, or any garments concealing the oval of the face. Photographs of minors must not show any part of the adult holding them. 

3. Valid, unexpired passport: Original and a photocopy of the page or pages of the passport that contain biometric data. The passport must be valid for at least 3 months beyond the planned departure date from the Schengen territory. It must also contain at least two blank pages. Passports issued more than 10 years ago will not be accepted.  

4. Documents proving family relationship with a citizen of the Union or a State of the European Economic Area or Switzerland: Civil registry certificates (birth or marriage, accordingly), certificate of registration as an unmarried couple or any other document proving that the partnership is analogous to a marital relationship. 

5. In the case of descendants over 21, ascendant relatives or other relatives, documents proving they are in the care of a citizen of the Union or a State of the European Economic Area or Switzerland or, if applicable, their state of health. 

6. Documents proving that the applicant is travelling with a citizen of the Union or a State of the European Economic Area or Switzerland or is on the way to joining them

7. Proof of residence in Republic of Korea. Original and a copy of valid, unexpired Korean Alien Registration Card. The ARC must be valid for at least 3 months beyond the planned departure date from the Schengen territory. 

8. In the case of underage applicant:

-Birth certificate, legal custody or legal guardian certificate: [Original and photocopy]  duly legalised through Spanish consular representations of the issuing country or, in the case of signatory countries to the Hague Convention of October5, 1961, hold the Hague Apostille. Sworn translation into Spanish also is required.

-Copy of the parent/s or legal guardian´s passport. 

In the case of minors travelling without their parents or legal guardians, or travelling with one single parent, in addition to the documents mentioned above, applicants must submit: 

-Notarised authorisation of parents or legal guardians for travel to Spain, with evidence of the person responsible for looking after the minor in Spain, residence address in Spain and period of the intended stay: duly legalised through Spanish consular representations of the issuing country or, in the case of signatory countries to the Hague Convention of October5, 1961, hold the Hague Apostille. Sworn translation into Spanish also is required.

-In case of sole custody, official document proving such: duly legalised through Spanish consular representations of the issuing country or, in the case of signatory countries to the Hague Convention of October5, 1961, hold the Hague Apostille. Sworn translation into Spanish also is required.

When necessary to assess the application, the Consular Office may request additional documents or data and may also ask the applicant to come in for a personal interview. 

The visa is free of charge.

Data protection​​​ 

The processing of personal data of visa applicants is done in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation새로운 윈도우로 열립니다

Persons wishing to exercise their rights of access, rectification and erasure of their personal data in the Visa Information System (VIS) may do so by addressing the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the European Union and Cooperation: 

Ministerio de Asuntos Exteriores, Unión Europea y Cooperación
Inspección General de Servicios
Postal address: Plaza de la Provincia, 1, Madrid, España
Email:​새로운 윈도우로 열립니다 

The following forms may be used to do so: 

Persons whose visa application has been refused because they are banned from entering the Schengen area may exercise their rights of access, rectification and erasure of their personal data in the Schengen Information System (SIS) by addressing the Ministry of the Interior. 

To obtain more information on your rights and duties and on how to exercise your rights of access, rectification and erasure of data included in the SIS, please refer to the website of the Spanish Data Protection Agency새로운 윈도우로 열립니다.


Basic legislation​ 

  • Directive 2004/38/EC새로운 윈도우로 열립니다 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 29 April 2004 on the right of citizens of the Union and their family members to move and reside freely within the territory of the Member States.

  • Royal Decree 240/2007새로운 윈도우로 열립니다 of 16 February, on the entry, free movement and residence in Spain of citizens of Member States of the European Union and of other States parties to the Agreement on the European Economic Area).
  • Regulation (EC) No 810/2009새로운 윈도우로 열립니다 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 13 July 2009 establishing a Community Code on Visas (Visa Code).

  • Regulation (EU) 20​19/1155새로운 윈도우로 열립니다 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 20 June 2019 amending Regulation (EC) No 810/2009 establishing a Community Code on Visas (Visa Code).​

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