Spanish Criminal Record Checks

Applicants who resided in Spain have the right to apply for a certificate detailing their Spanish criminal record file (Certificado de Antecedentes Penales).

What is the procedure to apply for the Criminal Record Certificate from abroad?

1. ONLINE through the Ministry of Justice website.

The Criminal Record Certificate can be applied for online by accessing the website of the Ministry of Justice

2. BY MAIL to the Ministry of Justice.

The Criminal Record Certificate can be applied for by both Spanish citizens and foreigners directly by mail. In this case, the applicant living abroad must apply through the Oficina Central de Atención al Ciudadano, Sección de Penales, Ministerio de Justicia and follow the instrutions appearing in the website of the Spanish Ministry of Justice

3. Through the Consular Office of the Embassy of Spain, to be picked up in Spain.

The Criminal Record Certificate can be applied for by both Spanish citizens and foreigners though the Consular Office of the Embassy of Spain in Seoul. Please note that the Consular Office only submits the application and that the applicant will be responsible for picking up the Certificate issued by the Ministry of Justice in Spain through a representative, in the Territorial Administration Office of your choice. 

If choosing this option, the applicant will have to come in-person with required documents:

-Solicitud_Certificado de antecedentes penales.pdf dully filled out in Spanish and signed. 

-Original and copy of valid passpot of applicant (For Spanish Nationals, valid Spanish National ID [DNI]).

-Payment of the fee. Please refer to the section Consular Sercive fee [서명공증 Legitimación de firmas].

The Consular Office will certify the copy of the document and send the application to the Territorial Administration Office of the Ministry of Spain in the chosen province. Around 10 business days after receiving the documents, the appointed representative can go the Territorial Administration Office of your choice to pay the certificate fee, receive the certificate and send it to the applicant. 


It is necessary to schedule an appointment by sending an email to the following address:

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