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Artist/Reporter visa

This visa (EET) is a schengen visa that allows its holder to carry out an activity with the exception of work authorization. 

Who has to apply for this visa?

- Artists performing at a concert held in Spain

- Staffs working at a concert held in Spain

- Reporters who visits Spain to cover a summit meeting  

​Exception: citizens of European Union countries, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway and Switzerland don't need to apply for this visa.

Required documents 



1. The applicant must prepare all the required documents.

2. The applicant must make an appointment for their visa interview on this link (click here).

If you can not see any available dates on the website above, please contact this Consular Section (Phone: 02-794-3581, e-mail:

Visa Section will be open during the following hours:

1) [Submission of additional documents] : Monday, Wednesday, Friday 10:00AM-12:00PM

2) [Inquiry regarding visas] : From Monday to Thursday 14:30PM-16:30PM

3)​ [To check the visa result] : Monday, Wednesday, Friday 12:00PM-12:50PM without appointment 
or on the same days at earlier hour with an appointment for visa pick-up ​(The applicants must come in person, with the "visa enrollment receipt")