Physical address
Lord Charles Complex
337 Brooklyn Road 
Pretoria 0181
Postal address
P.O.B.: 35353
Menlo Park
Pretoria 0102

Phone number y fax 
  • Phone number from Spain: 00 27 12 460 01 23
  • Phone number from South Africa: 012 460 01 23​
Consular emergency ONLY for Spanish citizens​
No administrative or visa information will be provided. Please, it is a contact ONLY to assist Spanish citizens who have an emergency. 

  • Embassy in Pretoria: If you are in the regions of Gauteng, Free State, North West, Limpopo or Mpumalanga. Number: +27 (0) 76 114 61 51. E-mail: emb.pretoria.emerg@maec.es.  ​
  • Consulate in Cape Town: If you are in the regions of​ KwaZu​lu-Natal, Eastern Cape, Western Cape o Northern Cape. Number: +27 (0) 76 114 61 52. 

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