Spanish Police Check Certificate

January 2, 2025
The following link from the Spanish Justice Ministry explains​​ in English ​how to apply by mail:​

To summarized, one needs to:​​

  1. ​Request a True Copy (“Fotocopia compulsada") of your DNI or passport at Spanish Embassy in Ottawa. Please refer to the consular fee chartIt opens in new window. To book an appointment, click here. On-line applications or applications sent by mail are NOT accepted.​ ​Due to our consular jurisdictions, the Spanish Embassy in Ottawa provides consular services only to residents of the National Capital region (Ottawa-Gatineau). Therefore, we would not be able to accept any requests from residents from other jurisdictions in Canada. If you live in a city other than Ottawa and Gatineau, you should contact the Spanish Consulate General in Toronto   ​or Montreal according to their consular jurisdictions. ​​​​
  2. Download the 790 formIt opens in new window and fill it out.​
    • ​If you wish to receive your Criminal Record Certificate by mail, you must leave box #15 blank.
    •  If you would like to receive it by email, simply fill in box # 15 with your email address. You will receive an email from a account with a link that allows you to download the certificate and its apostille. To do this, you will need to enter your passport number or document with which you have identified yourself when applying for the Criminal Record Certificate.
    • In Canada it is not possible to receive the certificate with an SMS, as it is only possible to receive it in Spain (box # 10)

​   3.​​​ ​Make a wire transfer for 3.86 EUROS (fee 2024) to the account below:

    • ​​​ACCOUNT HOLDER: “Ministerio de Justicia-Cuenta Restringida Recaudación Tasas Extranjero” (Ministry of Justice-Foreign Fee Collection Blocked Account)
    • NIF (Tax Identity Number) OF THE ACCOUNT HOLDER: S-2813610-I
    • IBAN or International Bank Account Number: IBAN ES62 0182 2370 4202 0800 0060
    • BIC (Bank Identification Code) of the BBVA:   BBVAESMMXXX
    • Banks in Canada will ask you for the postal address of the BBVA branch which is not given in the webpage. This is the address:
Calle Alcalá, 16, 1ª planta
28014 Madrid

Ask for a bank wire transfer receipt.

​​​​​​​​​​  4. Send by mail the legalized photocopy of your passport, the 790 form and the receipt of the bank transfer to the address below:
Oficina Central de Atención al Ciudadano del Ministerio de Justicia
Calle Bolsa, 8
28012- Madrid​

By mail, you should receive your Criminal Record Certificate within 5 weeks. By email, in just a few days.​

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