Appointments for consular services

Saturday, March 22, 2025
The average time to get an appointment is 3 months.​
As of the date of this article, the earliest available appointments begin in the third week of June.

The Consular Section of the Spanish Embassy in Ottawa will only schedule appointments for residents of the National Capital Region (Ottawa and Gatineau). Please note that walk-ins are not accepted.

Appointments for consular services​ are in person only. You may book an apponintment by sending an email to CITA PREVIA (, 

We will only book an appointmento for you as long as you follow these 3 requirements:

 1. Complete your data in the same format:

    • CONSULAR SERVICE requested: ​
    • FULL NAME:
    • EMAIL:​
      • ​​​CARD NUMBER:
      • EXPIRY DATE​​ (dd/mm/yyyy)​:
    • INTENDED​ DEPARTURE DATE FROM CANADA (dd/mm/yyyy)​ for visa applications and Spanish passport renewals: ​
2. Also, you will need to attach to your email:
you must also attach all the corresponding documentation under the heading "Documentos necesarios" for each type of registration or procedure, separated into files named according to the type of document they refer to. This is to verify that you have all the necessary requirements in order to schedule an in-person appointment.
On the day of the appointment, you must provide both the ORIGINALS and PHOTOCOPIES of the required documentation.​

3. The format of the documents must be only in . pdf, or .jpg . Other formats or links to documents stored in the cloud are not accepted.

If you do not get an appointment within 7 days, it may be because:
  • ​You have not followed one or more of the 3 mentioned requirements.
  • For visa applications, there are no available appointments within 15 days before your intended depurture date from Canada. Fast track or expedited services are not available.​
Please, keep in mind ​the following:

  • If you need two consular procedures simultaneously, you must schedule two separate appointments.
  • If multiple family members need to complete a consular procedure, you must book an appointment for each family member, ensuring that each has the required documentation.
A grace period of 1​5 minutes immediately after an appointment starting time will be allowed for applicants that arrive late due to unforeseen delays.​

​​However, appointments will deemed forfeited for arrival times more than 15 minutes late. In this case, you will have the option to reschedule your appointments for a later date.

In the event that you are not able to keep your appointment, we encourage you to let us know as soon as possible so that we can offer it to someone else.

Please note​ that you MUST come prepared to submit your application, i.e., a completed and signed application form, as well as provide supporting documentation (original and copies), as the case may be. Otherwise, you may ​need to reschedule your appointment to a later date when your application is completed.

To learn more about our consular services and its requirements, please visit our website​It opens in new window.

Thank you.

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