Seminar: Future of the Arctic cooperation in the context of new geopolitical situation in the region

18 April in Stormen Library in Bodø

12 de abril de 2023

The Embassy of the Republic of Poland in Oslo along with the Embassy of the Kingdom of Spain, The Embassy of the Republic of Italy, European Union Delegation in Norway, Maria Curie-Skłodowska University in Lublin and Fridtjof Nansen Institute cordially invite for the seminar Future of the Arctic cooperation in the context of new geopolitical situation in the region, that is to take place on 18 April in Stormen Library in Bodø. Seminar is to be the side event prior to the High North Conference (19-21 April 2023).

The seminar will focus on geopolitical consequences of the conflict in Ukraine on the Arctic cooperation in many dimensions (political, military, economical); one of the panellists will talk also about the role of science diplomacy in the Arctic in the time of crisis. The event will start with short introduction made by Polish Ambassador to Oslo, I. Woicka – Żuławska. In the seminar will participate panellists from Poland, Italy (to be confirmed), Spain, EU Delegation in Norway and Fridtjof Nansen Institute (Norwegian think tank). Presentations will be followed by question & answer session and short discussion.

13.00 – 14.30 Stormen Library, Litteratursalen: Future of the Arctic cooperation in the context of new geopolitical situation in the region

Moderator: Andreas Raspotnik, Fridtjof Nansen Institute


13:00 – 13:03 – Iwona Woicka – Żuławska, Ambassador of the Republic of Poland in Oslo - short introductory

13:03 – 13:11 –Michał Łuszczuk (PL), professor, Maria Curie-Skłodowska University in Lublin Geopolitical consequences of the conflict in Ukraine on the Arctic from a Polish perspective"

13:11 –  13:20– Carmine Robustelli, Special Envoy for the Arctic, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Italy “Challenges in the Artic in the face of new geopolitical situation" tbc

13:20 – 13:30 – Andreas Østhagen, Senior Researcher, Fridtjof Nansen Institute “High North, Low Tension: Is it still possible?"

13:30 – 13:35 – short break

13:35 – 13:42 –Monika Szkarłat (PL), doctor, Maria Curie-Skłodowska University in Lublin, The role of science diplomacy in the Arctic in times of crisis"

13:42 – 13:51 - Ambassador Nicolas de La Grandville – Head of the EU Delegation in Oslo “Arctic region in the perspective of the European Union"

13:51 – 14:00 – representative of Spain New Arctic policy – a Spanish perspective"

14:00 – 14:30 –  Questions & Answer session; panel discussion


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