The Embassy of Spain is seeking the services of a DRIVER, on a Technical Assistance basis for one month, to be performed at the Chancery of the Embassy of Spain in New Delhi (12, Prithviraj Road).
Interested candidates/entities must present their economic offer (indicating their identification data) at the Chancery of the Embassy of Spain (located at 12, Prithviraj Road), without prejudice to the provisions of art. 16.4 of Law 39/2015 of October 1, on Common Administrative Procedure of Public Administrations, the last day of the deadline being 18th November, 2024, and should be addressed to the following address: Embassy of Spain in India, 12 Prithviraj Road, 110011 New Delhi.
The attached format must be used to present the economic offer. All fields highlighted in yellow must be filled with the correct information.
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