Comunicado de los Jefes de Misión de la UE sobre la reunión del Consejo de Seguridad Nacional en Baidoa (Somalia)

8 de junio de 2018
The EU Delegation and EU Heads of Mission to Somalia fully support the joint statement issued on 7 June by the UN on behalf of international partners welcoming the significant outcomes of the 3-5 June National Security Council meeting in Baidoa, South West State.
International partners welcome results of National Security Council meeting in Baidoa
Mogadishu, 7 June 2018 – The United Nations, African Union, European Union, Inter-Governmental Authority on Development, Ethiopia, Italy, Norway, Sweden, the United Kingdom and the United States welcome the outcome of this week’s meeting of the National Security Council during 3-5 June 2018 in Baidoa, capital of South West State.
The approval of the Transition Plan for security and the agreement to proceed with its implementation, as well as the agreements on resource sharing and on the electoral model for the 2020 one-person, one-vote elections points to the basis for further progress, including on the review of the Constitution and defining the Somali federal model.
International partners commend the leaders of the Federal Government of Somalia and its Federal Member States for reaching these agreements, and for their determination to accelerate agreements on other pending constitutional issues, such as power sharing.
As Somalia enters a new phase in its relations with the international community and international financial institutions, its partners encourage Somali’s leaders to continue working in the spirit of unity.
International partners appreciate the significance of these agreements ahead of the Somalia Partnership Forum, which the Somali Federal Government, the European Union and Sweden will co-host in Brussels on 25 and 26 June."

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