Welcome to the website of the Embassy of Spain in Kenya
CBA Building, 3rd floorMara & Ragati Roads, Upper HillP.O. Box 45503-00100 Nairobi (Kenya)
The contact details of the Embassy of Spain are the following ones:
Phones from Spain: +254 20 272 02 22/3/4/5
Phones from Kenya: 020 272 02 22/3/4/5
Fax from Spain: +254 20 272 02 26
Fax from Kenya: 020 272 02 26
E-mail for visa appointments:
Twitter profile: @EmbEspKenia
Facebook page: EmbEspKenia
The Embassy has an emergency contact number for the exclusive use of Spanish citizens requiring immediate consular assistance. Administrative issues must be solved by ordinary channels, on working days and during office hours. No visa or any other consular information will be provided. The emergency contact number is +254 733 63 11 44 (from Spain) and 0733 63 11 44 (from Kenya).
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