Inglés (Estados Unidos) LocationWay 2834, House 2573, Shatti Al Qurm. Phone from Spain: 00 968 24 69 11 01.Phone: 24 69 11 01.Fax: 24 69 89 69.E-mail: ...
Consular services Visas Conditions for entry into Spain Schengen visas Airport transit visa Visas for family ...
Job Offers Ofertas de empleo en la Embajada de España en Omán09.05.2022. Convocatoria para ingreso como personal laboral temporal con la categoría de auxiliar ...
Ambassador Francisco Javier de Istúriz Simonet Dear Friends, I am writing to you to introduce myself as the new Ambassador of Spain to the Sultanate of Oman, where ...
Accreditation and Declaration of Equivalence of Foreign Higher Education Qualificatins. FAQ FAQ related to the procedure for accreditation and declaration of Equivalence of foreign higher education qualifications to a degree and at an academic ...
SPANISH CLUB EXHIBITION AT SULTAN QABOOS UNIVERSITY November 21, 2023 On Monday, November 20, the Spanish Club event was held at SQU (Sultan Qaboos University).The event took place at the Center of Preparatory Studies (CPS) ...
EU unveils Strategic Partnership with the Gulf On May 18, 2022, the High Representative and the European Commission adopted a Joint Communication on a "Strategic Partnership with the Gulf" ...
EU Ambassadors visit Duqm The Special Economic Zone at Duqm (SEZAD) received a delegation of 13 ambassadors and representatives of the European Union member states and the EU ...
Cycling Tour in Oman (press for more information) Cycling Tour in Oman Between February 10 and 16, 2022, the eleventh edition of the Cycling Tour was held in Oman. The two Spanish teams have been ...
Challiot Prize - 2023 Edition September 28, 2023 Chaillot prize – 2023 editionThe European Union Delegations in Saudi Arabia, the UAE, Kuwait, Bahrain and Oman announce the launch of the 14th Edition ...