Website EMPLÉATE for Companies

​​Employers: How to find Spanish workers

The Embassy of Spain and the Spanish Chamber of Commerce can make it easy for you to find Spanish workers by posting job vacancies in your company on the official website of the Spanish Public Employment Service: https://empleate.gob.esIt opens in new window.

​To be able to post job vacancies on “Portal de empleo: Empléate”, you company must first register with us by following the steps below:

  • Fill in the attached registration form (click here) and send it to  Our staff will verify the information provided.
  • Shortly after, you will be contacted by the Customer Assistance Unit (CAU) of the Spanish Public Employment Service (SEPE) which will subsequently give you instructions on how to register with “Portal de empleo: Empléate”.
  • In order to log in, your company will be asked to create a username and a password.
  • Within 48 hours, CAU will send you an activation e-mail to confirm your username and password, consequently enabling you to post job vacancies in your company on “Portal de Empleo: Empléate”.

Once your job offer has been published, your company will be able to monitor and get in touch with applicants to help you select potential employees with the desired professional background.

​​The username and password of your company will allow it to advertise and publish any future job vacancies.​


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