The Spanish Ambassador to London recalls the career of the lawyer, who chaired the Spanish Chamber of Commerce in the United Kingdom ...
Journalism students and their teachers are on a study trip to London
José Pascual Marco met with the university´s authorities and gave a lecture
The exhibition in London, organized by the Society of Spanish Scientists in the United Kingdom, will run until the 11th April
The Director of the Victoria & Albert Museum received the award at the Embassy.
The visit was organized by the European Law Students' Association
The Embassy welcomed the group once again this year
Carlos Magdalena, Guillermo Rein, and Julio Bruno were honoured with this prestigious award
The Minister of Inclusion, Social Security and Migration participated in International Women's Day and met with representatives of the Spanish community ...
The Embassy organized an event with the Chamber of Commerce, attended by Minister Elma Saiz
The Secretary of State for Foreign and Global Affairs met with political representatives, business leaders and analysts
The Embassy hosted a meeting with Latin American representatives in London to discuss relations between Spain, the United Kingdom and Latin America ...
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