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50 years of the Spanish National Open University in London

​The Embassy hosted an event attended by the Dean of the University along with Spanish and British education authorities.

March 22, 2023

The Ambassador received the Dean of the Spanish National Open University (UNED), Ricardo Mairal, and the representatives of the institution in London. They spoke about the educational system, the need to gamble on technological innovation and adapt to new realities, and to reinforce values such as solidarity, harmony, precision or dialogue.

Subsequently, an event was held to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the UNED in London, in which the Dean highlighted the social function of the University, and the value of collaboration with public and private entities, which has allowed them to have an international vocation and be pioneers in educational innovation since 1972.

For his part, the Ambassador highlighted the valuable legacy of UNED, its commitment to structure and social inclusion, and to values that are of infinite importance for the personal and professional development of people.