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A tribute to Spanish emigrants

The Embassy hosted an event in which the oldest Spanish community residing in the United Kingdom was remembered.

September 29, 2022

The Ambassador highlighted the values of these Spaniards who had to leave their country in search of a better future. The United Kingdom welcomed them generously, and here they found a second home without losing their love for Spain. These Spaniards are an example to us all and we must preserve and hand over their life experiences to the next generations.


Two representatives of this group of Spaniards recounted their personal experiences. Amongst them was one of those Basque children who embarked on the Havana in 1937 bound for Southampton  in order to escape the Spanish civil war.


The event ended with a special thanks to the Social Centre for the Elderly "Miguel de Cervantes" and the Spanish Welfare Fund "El Rincón" for their work in support of the elderly, and for fostering ties between the community of Spaniards living in the United Kingdom. Likewise, the Emigration Medal of Honora was awarded to Doña Mercedes Sutherland.